Aditya Saini’s blog

Pure Computer Science Knowledge Portal

Hello World

Hello World,

I am Aditya Saini, This is my personal blog where I would be covering topics related to Indian Education, Computer Science, Mathermatics and Programming and I could possibly discuss some of the hot topics that are currently prevailing in India. My English is okay and I will try my best to provide as much knowledge as I have assembled till now thorughout my lifetime.

I was born in India and I proud of its rich varied and heritage and I try to be worthy of it. India is unique in itself and no other country is similar to India, It is such different.The main thing that empowers India is its spiritual knowledge that attracts foreigners to explore this country in search of the truth “Who we really are ?” and " Why are we here ?” , well I won’t cover spiritual topics but I would talk about Education system in India because that would help this country’s youth to tackle the problems which they will face in future.

Thanks and welcome to my blog. Regards, Aditya Saini